Ladybaby will appear at the hugely popular Natsu no Mamono 2017 (Summer Demons 2017) on September 10th. This is a huge all-day event in Kawasaki, very close to Tokyo, hosted by the titular Natsu no Ma...Read More
Rei Kuromiya and Rie Kaneko of Ladybaby help Mikiti Honmono present the TV show Nadarezaka Rock on BS Japan. The 14th episode is shown on June 18th at 2:40 in the morning (Japan time). Dorothy Lit...Read More
Ladybaby will appear at an all day live event called Oretachi, Gakkyoku Ha Vol. 12, with many other idol units also playing that day (July 3rd 2017). It looks to be a great lineup. When: Doors open:...Read More
Ladybaby will appear on a Nico Live stream with other guests who will be at the Yatsui Festival next week. You can watch the stream for free (first register on Niconico), but premium Nico members can...Read More
On August 12th 2017 Ladybaby will play the fourth in their “two-man” live series. This gig is a little different because they will be supported by Hello Sleepwalkers, an alternative rock ...Read More
UPDATED: Appearance times added Ladybaby will appear at the Tokyo Idol Festival (TIF), the world’s largest idol festival in early August. This is the third time Rei has appeared at this most pr...Read More
In July, Ladybaby will perform the third gig in their popular “two-man” live series. Each of these shows has Ladybaby and one other artist perform a long setlist and occasional collaborati...Read More
Ladybaby will appear at the YATSUI FESTIVAL! 2017, a festival organised by the comedian and sometime DJ Ichiro Yatsui. There will be a mix of idols, DJs, and other entertainers appearing in live house...Read More
Ladybaby appear in brand new entertainment magazine ROCK PRESS Tokyo, released June 7th. Rei Kuromiya and Rie Kaneko are on the back cover and have a large feature. If you buy the magazine from the...Read More