Brats are setting an increasingly busy schedule, with two lives lined up already for early June 2018.
“Versus 2” – Event Details
Brats present the second of their Battle of the Bands-styled “Versus” rock gigs. This time three bands are lined up to play in Shibuya, Tokyo: BRATS / Hitsujibungaku / Kotofull (コトフル)
When: 10th June 2018, Doors open at 17:30 for a 18:00 start.
Where: Chelsea Hotel, Shibuya, Tokyo (map)
Despite the name, this is a normal basement (B1) live house easily reachable in Shibuya. Don’t mix it up with the Milkyway venue in the same building (3F).
Tickets: Advance tickets (2500 yen + 500 yen for a drink on entry) will be available shortly. Tickets will also be sold on the door if the show doesn’t sell out (3000 yen + 500 yen for a drink on entry).
Details on Brats site (Japanese)
Yatsui Festival! – Details
Brats will appear at the YATSUI FESTIVAL! 2018, a festival organised by the comedian and sometime DJ Ichiro Yatsui. There will be a mix of idols, DJs, and other entertainers appearing in live houses around Shibuya.
When: The festival is June 16th-17th 2018. Brats will appear on the 16th, but the festival timetable hasn’t been announced yet. This article will be updated when it is.
Where: Several venues, all in easy walking distance of Shibuya, Tokyo centre.
Tickets: 6800 yen. No announcements about buying tickets on the day, but it is likely to be possible since it is a festival with many venues.
Advance tickets are available at Eplus but this Japanese site does not accept foreign credit cards or send tickets overseas. However, if you are in Japan you can buy advance tickets at a convenience store: see this site for more information (I cannot vouch for their purchasing service as I have never used it, but the advice about buying tickets is up-to-date and correct).