UPDATE: Rei has damaged her vocal chords and has had to cancel this gig. She is taking a rest for a while so they can heal.

Brats will appear at event called “Versus” on November 1st in Tokyo. A line-up of four all-female bands (not counting Piroshiki, Brats’ drummer, who usually hides behind his hair anyway): Brats, Zettai ClubFategear and Iris Monde. Does the title suggest some kind of Battle of the Bands theme? With this kind of line-up there will be a lot of dedicated fans (might sell out), but everyone will probably support the other bands too. It will be fun.

Event Details

When: November 1st, 2017. Doors open: 18:15. Start: 18:45 Cancelled

Where: Shibuya Take Off 7, Tokyo (map)

Tickets: Advance tickets (2500 yen + 500 yen for a drink on entry) are available at Lawson Ticket. See this page for details on how to use this ticket site from outside Japan. Tickets will be available on the door if the show doesn’t sell out (3000 yen + 500 yen for a drink on entry).

Details on official site.

The four bands at the "Versus" event