UPDATE: Rei has damaged her vocal chords and has had to cancel this gig. She is taking a rest for a while so they can heal.
Rei Kuromiya’s band Brats will play a full free gig “Will 2” in Osaka on October 17th. There will probably be merchandise sales and maybe a chance to meet the members too. However, tickets are limited and will be chosen by lottery. The deadline is fast approaching (September 15th).
Event Details
When: October 17th 2017. Doors: 18:30, Start: 19:00 cancelled
Where: “GANZ toi,toi,toi”, Osaka (map)
Tickets: The lottery for tickets has ended. However, at the last free live there was a chance to get into the live at the last minute. This page will be updated (close to the gig date of 17th October) if entry is possible.
There are only 120 tickets available, offered by lottery. To enter the lottery, send an email to brats-info@tkbros.co.jp with the subject “BRATS 10/17イベント参加希望”. The contents of the email should be the following:
1. お名前: [ Write your name here, nicknames are OK ]
2. 性別:[ Write 男 for male, or 女 for female ]
3. 年齢:[ Write your age here ]歳
4. お住いの場所:[ Write where you live here, City, Country ]
5. いつ何処でBRATSをお知りになりましたか? [ Write how you heard about Brats here ]
6. お好きなアーティストを3つおしえてください: [ Write your three favourite bands here ]
If you are selected you will get an email with your admission number by September 20th. You will need your number at the door. You won’t get an email if you miss out on the lottery.